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Test Post #4

Test Post #4

This is the fourth test post.

Seaside senses ipsum. I like the smell of suncream. My fingers trace the smoothed lump of driftwood. I see paddle-boarders falling into the water. I like the smell of the neoprene of wetsuits. I love the saltiness on my lips. I see kites flying. I love the hot chocolate on a cool day.

I hear yells of delight. My fingers trace shapes in the sand. I love the saltiness on my lips. I like the smell of vinegar on chips. I hear the blowing up of inflatables. I love the freshness of fish and chips on the beach.

My fingers trace the warm sand. I love the fizzy bubbles in the cold coke. I see paddle-boarders falling into the water. My fingers trace the rough rocks. I see games being played. My fingers trace the smoothed lump of driftwood. I like the smell of seaweed. I hear people talking. I see kites flying. I hear boat masts clanking. My fingers trace the sharp barnacles. I see surfers riding the waves.

I love the sweetness of ice cream. My fingers trace shapes in the sand. I hear windbreaks flapping. I see kites flying. I like the smell of boat engines. My fingers trace the sharp barnacles.

I love the saltiness on my lips. My fingers trace the warm sand. I hear waves lapping on the shore. I see games being played. I like the smell of fresh doughnuts. I see toddlers finding shells. I love the hot chocolate on a cool day. I hear people talking. My fingers trace the smoothed lump of driftwood. I love the sweetness of ice cream.

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