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WaveRunner 500 Starter Problems

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  • WaveRunner 500 Starter Problems

    Ok I have a WR500 put in a new starter, it gets about a quarter crank then locks up. Doesnt turn the engin over and the starter does not disengauge. Have to take the cover back off anf turn it by hand to disenguage it. All parts move freely by hand..

    Thanks for looking and you time.

  • #2
    most likely you dont have the starter shimmed correctly or the gear is sticking. what you can do is spray some WD40 behind the gear on the shaft and on the spring itself that frees it up soemtimes. the shaft or spring are sticking or you dont have it shimmed right or too much so what is happening is the point of the starter is tilted to the right rather than being straight so its catching the fly wheel teeth and its not returning.
    if you had a shim on the back of the starter than take off the shim first and see if that does it



    • #3
      Ok took it apart again, there is no shim on the starter and it looks like everyhthing lines up well. It is the housing screwed that hold the starting in place and after removing the housing everything is lined up like it should be.

      It is almost like as soon as the starter engauges the flywheel it cant turn it.

      Thanks for the responce any ohter suggestions are welcomed.


      • #4
        well there are a souple of things to still look at. I assume the starter shaft is straight and not bent. it may of bent slightly so its wobbly now. the only other thing I can think of is the rubber o ring is being squeezed and pops out and makes the starter sit in the hole cockeyed
        make sure there isnt any old silicone or dirt on or around the housing and starter.


        • #5
          ok looked at the starter more closer and noticed that it was hitting the cover when it engauged. Is there a gasket or shim that needs to be placed?

          thanks again

